
South Sudan Expands Efforts to Protect Elephants

Released: 7/1/2013 3:40 PM EDT
Source Newsroom: Wildlife Conservation Society
Newswise — With expert assistance from the Wildlife Conservation Society and funding from USAID, South Sudan’s Ministry of Wildlife Conservation and Tourism (MWCT) has ramped up efforts to protect its last elephants by fitting individual animals with GPS collars for remote tracking, a critical practice in the fight against ivory poachers.


  1. I hope they can protect these beautiful animals... they deserve better treatment than what has been given to them... :-/

  2. yes so agree, saw a program last week about one woman in Thailand who is trying to save the Asian elephant. It started when her grandfather left her an elephant and then she discovered how badly the elephants were being treated. She now has a refuge for them and is called the elephant whisperer.


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